Peter Sesselmann
Valkyrie maiden of the slain
Valkyrie maiden of the slain
I thought it might be fun to paint something a bit in this style. Since I am not particulary religious I figured that a religious scene would be a bit hypocritical. so I looked back on my childhood in Norway and Norse Mythology. And the story goes.... Freya was the goddess of the Vikings. and her daughters were Valkyries who would fly in over the battlefields on their Cloaks made of Goose feathers and pickup the bravest dead Vikings and fly them back to Valhalla.
Height 1000mm x Width 1800mm
Price Category: G
Height 1000mm x Width 1800mm
Price Category: G
Price Codes list
Price Codes list
A, Under $500
B, $500-1000
C, $1000-1500
D, $1500-2000
E, $2000-2500
F, $2500-3000
G, $3000-5000
H, Over $5000
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